***依本校 110 學年度招生委員會第 3 次會議決議:自 110 學年度起取消校統一 辦理之碩一新生英文能力測驗,由各院自行訂定提升學生英文能力之相關措 施,上(109)學年度之請假學生請依各學院規定辦理(109 學年度請假生請逕 洽所屬系所)。***


***Per the resolution of the third meeting of NCU's Admission Committee in the 110th academic year, a unified English proficiency test for new first-year master's students is canceled as of the 110th academic year. Each college may stipulate its own relevant measures to improve its students' English proficiency. Students who asked for leave in the last academic year (the 109th) should follow the test-related regulations stipulated by their college (students who asked for leave in the 109th academic year should inquire about the matter from their department/institute).***